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Jakob, a 10 yr old boy came in to my Naturopath Clinic in Padstow one day with his mum to see if I can help with his severe skin condition that he has had nearly all his life.

His mum over the years has seen many Doctors, Skin Specialists and Practitioners in search of someone that can help.

Jakob is an amazing dancer/artist which requires him to be in the limelight and participating in Eisteddfod concerts.

He always felt conscious about his body and put a lot of unnecessary anxiety and stress on him.

After I examined him, connected all the dots and individualized his treatment protocol to treat his symptoms and needs, Jakob in no time was on the road to recovery.

The photos speak for themselves of how quickly Jakob responded to treatment and how he was able to go back out on stage and dance with confidence.



n one day with his mum to see if I can help with his severe skin condition that he has had nearly all his life.

te Title

eczema treatment

 1st Week 

- Body was on the road to recovery

best eczema treatment,eczema starting to heal
skin condition - eczema treatment

   3rd  Week

Ezema was starting to heal , his body  responded to treatment amazingly.

Eczema treatment, best eczema treatment
eczema all gone an healed, best eczema treatment

 6th  Week

His Eczema was starting to disappear.

SifIRSTte Title

ezema completely healed
eczema completely healed


7th Week

Jakob looked amazing.

Ready to take on the World with his Dancing!!

What are you waiting for come see us at Kate's Naturopathy Clinic in Padstow or Narellan so you can start your road to recovery.

Padstow- 1/53 Howard rd.

Narellan- 19 Leicester st.

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